Taking Dominion

The mandate of dominion is an official order and authorization given to man to govern, rule over, manage and subdue the earth. The Garden of Eden was simply the beginning, a pilot project as it were given to man. The mandate was to enlarge, extend the glory, the excellence, the order over the rest of the earth.  Dominion is our nature; it is inescapable. Dominion is the execution of delegated power and authority over a territory or sphere of influence for the purpose of productivity and development. The dominion mandate was given over creation. Everyone has the capacity to take dominion. Dominion is more than just confession. It is a taking action to create change. Taking dominion therefore requires more than simply wielding authority in the name of Jesus. It requires knowledge, the understanding and rightful use of our position in Christ and engaging efforts to bring about change. Dominion requires work. As believers there is no time for boredom. There is so much for us to be working on. There are so many dimensions we are called to take dominion. There are many areas that we can take dominion.

Here are some areas that we can be diligently pursuing to take dominion:
1. In the area of your life; it’s discovering and fulfilling purpose.
2. In the area of people; it’s influence for the purpose of the kingdom.
3. In the area of our bodies; it’s healing health and wholeness.
4. In the area of wealth and finances; it’s ownership.
5. In the area of self; it’s character and integrity.
6. In the area of natural realm; it’s stewardship. 
7. In the area of spiritual realm; it’s the total submission to God. 

God never cursed man even though man sinned. The dominion mandate was never removed from man.

Genesis 3:17-19.
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.
18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 
19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

God did not cursed Adam, but it was the ground that was cursed. However, man lost the Holy Spirit and creation, that man was given authority and dominion over, was now in rebellion to man’s rule in the earth. Walking in dominion must be a decision and it must be intentional. What was in the beginning, the natural submission of creation to the rule and authority of man, now becomes the waging war of dominance on the earth. The purpose for the coming of Jesus Christ was to reposition man to restore his identity. We can now receive the Holy Spirit, the administrator of heaven who once again gives us the legal authorization to establish the kingdom of God in the earth.  
Rediscovering who we are is key to taking dominion in our lives. As believers we must not only repent which leads to salvation but we must also be converted. Our soul which consist of our mind, will and emotions is key to living victoriously in the earth realm. It’s through our soul realm that the spirit man is expressed and we see this expression by reason of a physical manifestation in our bodies. Man is a free moral agent. He is a being of will and decision. Even as a spirit-filled believer, the will and decision to reflect the nature of Christ and walk in dominion is an act of our will. Because of this, daily we must put on Christ, which is an act of our will. Dominion is being actively engaged in bringing transformation to our spheres of influence, to release and establish the kingdom purpose and plan. Whatever your profession, career, passion, stage or place in life, let’s take dominion and build the kingdom of God.               

Sterling McPhee